Feature Friday: Celebrating the Guardians of Nature – Friends of Second Marsh

On Oshawa’s shores of Lake Ontario lies an environmental gem, the Second Marsh, and at its forefront, the Friends of Second Marsh (FSM) stand as vigilant protectors of this natural sanctuary. Established as a not-for-profit charitable organization, FSM is dedicated to the preservation, appreciation, and stewardship of Second Marsh and its surrounding natural heritage system. With a history stretching back to the early 1970s, FSM’s journey from the Second Marsh Defense Association to its current role underscores a legacy of community-led conservation efforts that have safeguarded this vital wetland for future generations.

The Second Marsh is not just a wetland; it’s a vibrant ecosystem teeming with life, from migratory birds to indigenous plant species, each playing a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of the Great Lakes region. FSM’s commitment extends beyond preservation to include education, community engagement, and the fostering of partnerships across all sectors of the community. This multi-faceted approach has been instrumental in implementing various projects and programs aimed at enhancing the marsh’s ecological integrity.

FSM operates under the guidance of the Second Marsh Management Plan, collaborating with city, conservation, and national organizations to deliver educational and stewardship programs that engage the public in meaningful conservation efforts. These initiatives are supported by a broad spectrum of community organizations, volunteers, businesses, and government partners, all united in their goal to rehabilitate and restore the marsh.

As we look to the future, FSM’s vision of establishing a Great Lakes Wetlands Centre stands as a beacon of hope for environmental conservation. This vision not only aims to preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of Second Marsh but also to inspire and educate future generations on the importance of wetland conservation.

The Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce is proud to feature Friends of Second Marsh in this week’s Feature Friday. By spotlighting FSM, we celebrate the unwavering dedication of those who work tirelessly to protect our natural heritage. We encourage our members and the wider community to support FSM in their noble mission, whether through volunteering, participating in their programs, or simply spreading the word about the crucial role of wetlands in our ecosystem.

To learn more about Friends of Second Marsh and how you can contribute to their efforts, please visit their website.

Isabelle Foley

Isabelle Foley

As Director of Member Success I strive to help members connect and get the most out of their chamber membership. I am an advocate for local businesses and passionate about spotlighting our community's success. Join the growth!


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